Interview: SPHERE 3


I went to visit 3d sculptor, artist and long time friend SPHERE 3 at his studio near York.
Sphere is an impressive artist with a formidable output of work. His studio literally piled high with ongoing and finished pieces in resin, ceramic, paper and canvas. I asked him a few questions over a brew.


When did you realise that you wanted to be an artist?

I always drew a lot when I was younger and since as far back as I can remember it has been something that has come naturally to me. So I guess I have always known I would be involved in the arts in one way or another.


What or who influences you the most?

I have many influences such as constructivism, cubism, futurism, and graffiti, but the person who has influenced me the most throughout my life is my Dad – The late, great – Jeff Nuttall, who is best known for his literary work: ‘Bomb Culture’ although this is only a small part of what he did as a artist, poet, musician, novelist, critic, social commentator, theatrical innovator and teacher. He believed in bringing all the arts together, This is something I also believe in and would like to do more collaborative work that involves other disciplines.


What is your favourite material to work with right now?

I don’t really have a favourite material to work with, as all materials have their limitations and I don’t like to be limited, which is why I work with so many.My work is very experimental and I like to be able to call on as many materials as I can so that I can create my visions in the best ways possible. I’m trying to build as wide a skill base as I can so I can achieve this.


What are you working on right now? 

I tend to work on several things simultaneously, but one thing I’m currently trying to do is narrow the divide between my 2D and the 3D works, creating architectural sculptural painted installations with high optical elements.


How is your work going to develop in the future? 

I would like to think I will continue trying to push the boundaries, working with more like minded people, and hopefully achieving some larger scale works, exploring the possibility of new media and theatrical architectural design.


What’s your favourite work time drink when you’re creating art?

Depends what I’ve got on the go but Green tea, massive amounts of it!


Check out more of Sphere3’s work here and also find or contact him on Facebook




